
The Caridea\Container\Objects class is a concrete implementation of the Caridea\Event\Publisher interface. As detailed in the caridea-event documentation, classes which implement Publisher should send the event object provided to the publish method to any registered listeners.

Here is an example Event and Listener.

namespace Foobar;

use Caridea\Event\Event;
use Caridea\Event\Listener;

class AuthenticationEvent extends Event

class AuthListener implements Listener
    public function notify(Event $event)
        error_log('I got an event at ' . date('c', (int) $event->getWhen()));

Now, let's create an Objects container and add the listener, making sure to register it as needing to be eagerly instantiated.

use Caridea\Container\Objects;

$objects = Objects::builder()
    ->eager('foobarAuthListener', \Foobar\AuthListener, function ($c) {
        return new \Foobar\AuthListener();

Finally, we publish the event, and our listener receives it.

class EventCreator
    public function create()
        // all events need a "source" object
        return new \Foobar\AuthenticationEvent($this);
$creator = new EventCreator();
$objects->publish($creator->create()); // the container calls our `notify` method, and it adds to the `error_log`

Listeners are called in defined order, and only start receiving events once actually created. That's why defining them as eager is important.